Welcome back to another monthly update video. Here we’ll talk about what we did in August, what we have planned for September, we’ll look at our roadmap and talk a bit about the sexual content of the game.
anime sex
Fantasy Anime Game – Iragon Update 0.95.37
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. You’ve probably noticed that the only camp scene left is Lexi’s. This week Lexi’s final camp scene is work in progress. Most of it is finished, however, there are a few more key elements to add in order for it to be fully done. You can expect to see it next week in the build.
Pretty Anime Girls – Iragon Update 0.95.36
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week, we’ve prepared a new final camp scene. This time around, Jenna takes the lead as our main character. She opens up about her innermost thoughts to Darick, and he provides comfort in return. This is testable in the Experimental Hall in both TP and VR through the “Jenna Final Camp Scene” portal.
Anime Dating Sim – Iragon Update 0.95.35
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We are going strong with another camp scene. This week we have Erika’s final camp scene. Erika shares her worries and Darick comforts her. This scene is testable in the Experimental Hall through the “Erika Final Camp” portal in both TP and VR. Please have a look and tell us what you think.
Fantasy Anime Game – Iragon Update 0.95.34
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We have a new camp scene, the final camp before the big fight. Brianna feels guilty for previous events and tries to express thatto Darick, but he isn’t convinced. They share a tender moment at the end and Darick shows his support. This scene is testable in the Experimenta Hall in both Regular Mode and VR through the “Brianna Final Camp Scene” portal.
Last week, we mentioned that we’ve been working on the audio of the camp cutscenes following the New Solis level. This week, we have all of the audio finished and ready for you.
Lastly, we’ve been optimizing the performance throughout the levels and will continue to improve it across the entire game.
Monthly Update – July
Welcome back to another monthly update video. Here we’ll talk about what we did in July, what we have planned for August, we’ll look at our roadmap and talk a bit about the sexual content of the game. We also have changelog for this week....
Action Anime Game – Iragon Update 0.95.32
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. As promised last week we have the Harbinger scene finished and ready for your feedback. This is the first close-up encounter Darick has with the Harbinger. We finally get the opportunity to see who the masked villain really is. There’s a portal in the Experimental Hall called “Meeting The Harbinger”, where you can test the scene in both TP and VR. We hope you like the scene.
We’ve also finished all the sound effects for the demon girl enemies found in the Cursed Lands. Not only that, but the Post Climb boss cutscenes are all now fully voiced.
Fantasy Anime Game – Iragon Update 0.95.31
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We are going strong with the cutscene creation. This week we have a work-in-progress scene featuring Darick, the girls, and the Harbinger. This scene is long and detail packed so we are devoting our time to making it look good for you guys. It’s estimated to be ready for testing next week, so please stay tuned to have a look. Thank you all for your patience and support.
Monthly Video – June
Hey. It’s time for our monthly video for the end of June. Just like in the other monthly videos, we’ll catch you up on what we’ve been doing for the last month, what we have planned for next month and we’ll take a look at our roadmap.
Anime Dating Sim – Iragon Update 0.95.28
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week, Darick finds himself accompanied by Mindee or Esme (depending on your choices in the beginning) as they explore Swordbreak together. They stumble upon a mysterious establishment where temptation and seduction intertwine. With a playful suggestion and a seductive allure, the scene takes an unexpected turn. What will Darick’s response be? Tune in to find out!
We’ve also been perfecting the Jenna Enter Swordbreak sequence. We’re delighted to inform you that the scene is now available for testing in the Experimental Hall, featuring complete facial animations for both Brianna and Lexi.
Lastly, we are releasing the new difficulty system. At the start of the game, you will be prompted to select a difficulty. You can later change it at any time in the gameplay section of the options menu.